In recent years, global increasing on Energy price & competition in worldwide market for presenting the productions with lower price and better quality have caused that industries Managers, especially on industrial countries to be inclined to use of new methods of management & productions and try to save their company competitive power by use of modern methods.
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In recent years, global increasing on Energy price & competition in worldwide market for presenting the productions with lower price and better quality have caused that industries Managers, especially on industrial countries to be inclined to use of new methods of management & productions and try to save their company competitive power by use of modern methods.
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Tele prompter or text reading equipment against camera is an original parts of NEWS studio systems.
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Tele prompter or text reading equipment against camera is an original parts of NEWS studio systems.
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ETYS PR (1000 TO 2000 VA)
Professional and IT equipment • Servers and networking devices • CAD/ Graphic workstations with monitors and peripherals • Control systems
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Professional and IT equipment • Servers and networking devices • CAD/ Graphic workstations with monitors and peripherals • Control systems
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Record 1 to 8 of 8 records.
Total 8 records found in 1 pages.
Total 8 records found in 1 pages.